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Barbaric mining has been stopped in Kyrgyzstan

The deposit. Photo: Sputnik / Tabyldy Kadyrbekov

In the Jalal-Abad region of Kyrgyzstan, some companies engaged in barbaric extraction of natural resources. This is reported by the press service of the State Committee for National Security (GKNB) of the republic.

According to the agency, the damage to the environment exceeded 1.8 billion soms (about 1.8 billion rubles).

According to the published information, from 2015 to 2024, about 40 mining companies worked in the Aksy, Ala-Buka and Chatkal districts of the region.

"They have mastered the reserves of gold and coal, but have not carried out reclamation of the sites, more than 500 hectares of land have become unusable," the information says.

The GKNB added that individual companies were developing subsurface resources at depths up to 55 meters, although the license allowed no more than 12 meters. Others illegally mined minerals in territories that were not part of their licensed area.

To control mining companies, the Cabinet of Ministers intends to create a state-owned enterprise "Minerals of Jalal-Abad".

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