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Moldovan opposition: There will be no Maidan in Chisinau

The leader of the Dignity and Truth Platform Party Vasile Nastase says that they have refused to support their colleagues from Our Party, who are planning to organize an anti-governmental rally on Apr 24 and to burn tires at the Great National Assembly Square.

“We are not going to turn the center of Chisinau into Maidan. There will be no burning tires. For over a year we have demonstrated peacefully,” Nastase said.

He urged conscientious citizens to express show their solidarity and to express their civil position.

The leader of Our Party Renato Usatii is ready to join the next protest actions of Dignity and Truth. In early Apr he urged his supporters to bring tires to the square. Later he changed his mind and asked people to bring rakes and spades so as to clean Chisinau from the two-faced regime and to bury it once and for all.

As EADaily reported earlier, the Moldova police are ready to suppress possible disorders.

“We will keep an eye on the situation. We are ready for all possible scenarios, including disorders,” Moldovan Interior Minister Alexandru Jizdan said.

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