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Kiev acknowledges that there is “no threat of offensive” from Lugansk and Donetsk

There is no evidence of any preparations for a large-scale offensive by the self-proclaimed republics of Donbass in the east of Ukraine, according to Vadim Skibitsky, a representative of the Chief Investigation Department, the Defense Ministry of Ukraine.

Nevertheless, he said, at some areas the militia is preparing for active military actions. Skibitsky said the military command and political leaders of Western Europe have full information on the actions of the self-proclaimed republics’ troops in the east of Ukraine.

“We are cooperating with the intelligence of the partner-countries, and this is determined by the National Security Strategy as one of the tasks of the intelligence agencies,” he said.

According to a public opinion poll conducted by the Razumkov Center, almost third of Ukrainians (29.9%) are for further military operation to restore control over the territories of Donbass. Another 22.6% say these territories should be provided with a special status within Ukraine, while 21.5% of the respondents do not mind their separation from Ukraine.  

As EADaily reported earlier, Ukraine’s Armed Forces keep shelling the territories of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics on a daily basis. Two privates of the DPR Army were killed near Donetsk overnight. 

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