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Canada announces additional sanctions against 14 companies and 3 citizens of Russia

Canada announced additional economic sanctions and travel bans against three Russian individuals and economic sanctions against 14 Russian companies over the situation in the east of Ukraine and ‘occupation’ of Crimea, Prime Minister of Canada Stephen Harper said in a statement.

Canada demands Russia to “end its invasion of Eastern Ukraine, to withdraw soldiers, tanks and heavy weapons, and to cease providing military aid to insurgents.” Announcing the sanctions that are set to exert pressure on Russia, Prime Minister Harper said he calls on President Putin “to end his invasion of Eastern Ukraine.” Meantime, Moscow has repeatedly refuted presence of its troops in the territory of that country.

According to Canada’s Foreign Ministry website, the sanctions were imposed against three individuals – Alexander Dugin, Pavel Kanishev, and Andrey Kovalenko.  All they head the Eurasian Youth Union.

As to the 14 Russian companies that faced sanctions, these are Gazprom, Gazprom Neft, Surgutneftegas, Transneft, United Aircraft Corporation, “Night Wolves” Club and others. EADaily recalls that Canada imposed its first sanctions against Russia in spring of 2014 following the sanctions by the United State and European Union.

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