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"We will stay, and they will flee to London" — Polish professor about the "attack on Petersburg"

Polish Professor Adam Velomsky. Illustration: wprost.pl

Adam Velomsky, a well-known political scientist in Poland, professor at the University of Natural Sciences and Humanities in Siedlce, drew historical parallels, commenting on the remark of the former chief of the Polish General Staff about the "attack on St. Petersburg".

Recall, the former chief of the General Staff of Poland, Raimund Andrzejczak, said in an interview with Bild that in the event of a military conflict with Russia, "we will attack St. Petersburg directly." Adam Velomsky commented on this dubious initiative in his microblog as follows:

"We are attacking Petersburg. We will stay, and they will flee to London and from there they will call for guerrilla warfare and insurrection. Do we know this scheme?"

The professor hints at the "Polish government in exile" of the 30-40s of the last century, when Warsaw, in political union with Hitler, tried to divide Eastern Europe by seizing the Tesin region from Czechoslovakia, and when, as they say, something went wrong, the Polish authorities fled to London, giving the Nazis their country under a puppet quasi-- the state of the "General Government".

One of the Polish Internet users addressed his compatriots with a corresponding rhetorical question:

"Are you ready?"
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