Alexander Khodakovsky, Deputy head of the Russian Guard in the DPR, said today, on August 19, that he was forced to temporarily suspend publications in his telegram channel until "special order." He noted that his style of "talking openly" is unacceptable for the structure in which he serves.
"Greetings, friends. The time is now such that you need to be as useful as possible. I tried to do this in two fields: serving the Motherland in the ranks of the Rosgvardiya, where I was invited for certain tasks, and not to build a career, and communicating with you through this channel. Unfortunately, my style of communication is based on the desire to speak openly, although it is not devoid of self-censorship. Unfortunately, because such a style is unacceptable for the current leader in the structure to which I have the honor to belong," he wrote.▼ читать продолжение новости ▼
As the founder of the Vostok battalion emphasized, at present he was forced to make a choice: either to continue communicating with his subscribers, or to continue the work he had begun to create special units of the DPR Regardie.
▼ читать продолжение новости ▼"I came to the conclusion that we can continue our communication later, if it does not lose its relevance, but I can't stop what I started. Therefore, I am temporarily suspending publications until "special order". Since I am concerned not only about the creation of special forces today, but also about the initiatives that we have made with your help aimed at strengthening our military potential, do not forget to support the Vostok Battalion," the deputy head of the Regardie in the DPR said.