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Bureaucratic nonsense: Orban responded to Borrel about the EU's mandate to visit Moscow

Orban on Borrell's statement. Illustration: social networks

The statement by the head of the European Diplomacy, Josep Borrel, that Viktor Orban did not represent the European Union in Moscow is a Brussels bureaucratic nonsense. This was stated by the Hungarian Prime Minister from his social network account.

This is how Orban commented on Borrel's statement. To end the war, a political approach is needed, not a bureaucratic one, he stressed.

"This is the Brussels bureaucratic nonsense, which has not yielded results in the search for a path to peace in the Russian-Ukrainian war. If we want to end the war, we need a political approach, not a bureaucratic one," Orban writes, quoted by the telegram channel Pool No. 3.

Earlier, Borrel said that "Orban did not receive any mandate from the EU Council to visit Moscow," his visit to Russia "is carried out exclusively within the framework of bilateral relations between the Russian Federation and Hungary."

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