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Rally in Transnistria: Opposition dictates its terms to government

On November 11, the Communist Party of Transnistria and the Union of Opposition Forces have had a protest action at the central square of Tiraspol, the Transnistrian capital. Participants of the action expressed indignance at the policy pursued by the government and urged changes in the social situation in the country.

The organizers managed to gather about 500 people who learned about the planned action from social media.

Speaking at the rally, the leader of the Communist Party Oleg Horjan expressed distrust to the current Transnistrian government, urged to stop growth of prices for food, gasoline, drugs and necessities.

“We call for 40% compensation for wages and pensions lost during the devaluation of ruble, we urge to create 15,000 jobs and stop pursuing the people for political motives,” Horjan said.

The rally passed a resolution saying that if the claims are not fulfilled, the organizers promised to hold national protest actions.

The rally passed without incidents, although previously Oleg Horjan warned of possible provocations from law enforcers.

Transnistrian Interior Minister Ruslan Mova stressed that rallies have never been dispersed in Transnistria and promised to provide safety at any action.

Former Transnistrian president Yevgeny Shevchuk also supported the opposition rally. He made a video address where he called for an ahead-of-schedule power reshuffle. To remind, Shevchuk is accused in six criminal cases and is no in exile.

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