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Ukraine’s Interior Ministry ready to “shoot to kill” in Odessa on May 2

If we see armed provocateurs during the May 2 demonstrations in Odessa, we will shoot to kill, the Ukrainian Interior Minister’s advisor Zoryan Shkiryak said in a TV interview.

“We have enough time to prevent possible disorders. I would like to warn those who are going to use this situation to try to destabilize the situation. We will be ready and if need be will act very toughly. And if they dare to have arms, we will shoot to kill them,” Shkiryak said.

According to EADaily, Ukrainian ultra-right radicals and ultras are coming to Odessa from all over Ukraine to commemorate the 2nd year of the May 2014 tragedy. Human rights organizations from the United States and other countries are going to send their representatives to Odessa on that day and have urged the Ukrainian authorities to guarantee the safety of those who will attend the commemorations.

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