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Moldova unblocks Joint Control Commission

The Joint Control Commission (JCC) has approved Air Force Attache of Russia in Moldova Igor Dobnea as a JCC member from Russia. His candidature was supported unanimously.

“An official with such status is able to settle many issues connected with the activity of joint peacekeeping forces and general situation in the Security Zone operatively,” Transnistrian co-chair of the Joint Control Commission Oleg Belyakov said.

On sidelines of the meeting, the sides heard the report by the United Military Command on the situation in the Security Zone saying that no incidents were registered during the New Year holidays. Discussions on the freedom of movement in the security area were continued as well.

The sides took a week-long pause after the meeting to hold additional consultations at the level of the co-chairs.

The JCC comprises delegations from Russia, Moldova, and Transnistria.  Representatives of Ukraine and OSCE Mission in Moldova have a status of observer at the commission. The  JCC co-chairs (heads of delegations) adopt decisions on the basis of a consensus. 

EADaily reported earlier that the Moldovan delegation had been refusing to participate in appointing a new representative of Russia in the commission for more than two months.

Permalink: eadaily.com/en/news/2016/01/15/moldova-unblocks-joint-control-commission
Published on January 15th, 2016 11:16 AM
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