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FATF, at the suggestion of Ukraine, will decide to include Russia in the blacklist — Politico

Illustration fatf-gafi.org

The International Group for the Development of Financial Measures to Combat Money Laundering (FATF) will decide on the possible inclusion of Russia in the blacklist.

This is reported by Politico with reference to the relevant document. It is specified that the decision will be made at the meeting on October 22. Consider inclusion Ukraine has asked the Russian Federation to be included in the list of high-risk jurisdictions.

It is worth recalling that the FATF suspended Russia's membership on February 24, 2023. The decision was timed to the first anniversary of the beginning of the special operation on Ukraine.

In this regard, the desire to include our country in some lists of organizations seems strange. Even more surprising is that at the same time from Russia is required to show "responsibility", fulfill financial obligations and implement FATF "standards".

At the same time, Russia is accused of close economic and military cooperation with the blacklisted states — Iran and North Korea, as well as financing private military formations. Moscow is also condemned for using cryptocurrency for "financing terrorism and money laundering."

Against this background, Rosfinmonitoring said that Moscow is increasing "international cooperation with interested countries" in the fight against money laundering.

Involuntarily, the question arises as to how long Russia intends to voluntarily play the role of a "whipping boy" in all sorts of Western hangouts, where we are watered with slops, but require regular payment of membership fees.

Earlier, EADaily reported that FATF excluded Turkey from the organization's "gray list". The decision was made at the FATF General Assembly in Singapore.

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