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Expert: Migrants should not turn to diasporas, their problems are ours

Migrants on Red Square in Moscow. Photo: Centre1.com

The system for the export of labor migrants, when employees are first trained, their language is taught, a medical examination is carried out, and then they contact the employer and confirm the contract, already existed, but it did not lead to anything, said Vyacheslav Postavnin, head of the Center for Analytical and Practical Research of Migration Processes. So he commented on the proposal of the Ministry of Labor to conduct training and medical examination in the migrant country, removing this burden from Russian businessmen.

"Ten years ago, at the request of the Tajik administration, we prepared this system for the export of labor resources. We painted everything, but they did not implement it. Because there is no incentive, people are already going. And it turns out that as soon as they come to us, all their problems become ours — they work with us, live with us. We need to build another system. Since entry to our country is free for these migrants, it means that they should enter the labor market easily and quickly so as not to fall under extremist influence and not be sold to anyone. We need to create a network of organizations — not from diaspora, not from network structures where they are cooked in their own juice, but from our, Russian organizations, where they could turn for help and so on. That is, to create a labor migration management system here on the territory of the Russian Federation. It is not necessary to drive them with sticks all over the vast country and then expel them. There is not enough money or strength for this," Postavnin said on Sputnik radio.

According to the expert, all the problems now rest on the visa-free regime, which we cannot cancel. There is only one thing left — to take the solution of problems on yourself. Otherwise, we will "cook in this broth with a completely incomprehensible result."

"This is a matter of our internal policy, which is called "adaptation." It is necessary to create motivation for these migrants to integrate. Now we are not creating any motivation at all. Moreover, by force, we have come to the conclusion that migrants have organized themselves into a closed social network structure, where they live their own lives. So, everything needs to be solved here and at our expense. They already bring about 6-7% of GDP, and we can spend money on free language courses, as in the whole world, there will be nothing terrible about it. This is important for us, otherwise they will learn their language, their customs and culture," Postavnin added.
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