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Europe is tired of Ukraine and ready to agree to a "bad world" — Sunday Times

A damaged APU tank. Photo: Sergey Averin / RIA Novosti

In Europe, there is a significant "fatigue" from Ukraine, which may soon lead to the start of negotiations to end the conflict.

According to the British newspaper The Sunday Times, the peace negotiation process can begin even if its goal is a "terrible peace."

The article notes that many allies, previously advocating assistance to Kiev, now practically agree to a "bad peace" instead of a "good war."

According to the authors, the outcome of the agreements between the parties may be "the emergence of a sovereign, prosperous and West-oriented Ukraine" and its abandonment of territories in the south-west in favor of Moscow.

"There is considerable skepticism even among Ukraine's most outspoken allies that Kiev will be able to return all parts of the occupied territory by military means," the article says.

It is also pointed out that if Kiev continues to strive with maniacal persistence for the "borders of 1991", then it will simply get an "eternal war" in which it cannot win.

Earlier, EADaily reported that US President Joe Biden, after meeting with Vladimir Zelensky in Washington is unlikely to announce the lifting of restrictions on Ukraine's use of long-range Western weapons for strikes deep into Russia.

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