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Lithuanian president bans publication of her personal archives

Dalia Grybauskaite has refused to permit publication her personal data stored in archives, RuBaltic.ru reports. She has rejected a relevant request by politician Zigmas Vaisvila, who suspects her of working for KGB in the past.

Very little is known about Grybauskaite’s Soviet-time life. While writing a book about the Lithuanian president, journalist Ruta Janutene found out that as many as 11 pages were missing from her dossier. Experts wonder when exactly Grybauskaite broke away from the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. If she did that in 1990, how could she be appointed as secretary at the Vilnius School of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union? If she did that after Jan 13 1991, she may face criminal charges.

How could a member of a Soviet Communist school be sent to Georgetown University? How sent her there? Why are the people who knew her in the 1980s sure that she worked for KGB? If this is true, Grybauskaite may be impeached.

Vaisvila has been investigating Grybauskaite’s past for many years already. He believes that her presidency is dangerous for Lithuania. He wonders how a Communist official could be part of the delegation that visited the United States in 1991-1992. “I was deputy prime minister at that time and I know that Lithuania did not send her to America. First, we were short of money. Second, we had no US embassy and could not give her visa. So, only the Soviet authorities could send her there,” Vaisvila says.

Vaisvila has sent an inquiry to Russia’s Foreign Ministry and Embassy and received a response from Russian Ambassador Alexander Udaltsov, saying that they have no right to provide data about third persons without their consent.

A request sent to Grybauskaite has been dismissed. Her press service refused to comment on the Lithuanian president’s decision. Some experts say that by her refusal, Grybauskaite has confirmed that she has skeletons in the closet.

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