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Ukrainian army keeps shelling Donetsk airport

On the night of Jan 13, the Ukrainian army shelled the territory of the former Donetsk airport using 82 mm mortars.

They also shelled the village of Spartak, in the north of Donetsk. “They are still shooting. They are deployed in the village of Opytnoye and near the Butovskaya mine and are using tanks, AA mounts and mortars,” says one of the villagers.

As a result of the shelling of the village of Sakhanka in the south of Donetsk, one self-defender was wounded. The Ukrainians used 82-mm mortars.

On the previous day, the Contact Group on the Conflict in Ukraine met in Minsk and agreed to cease fire on Jan 14. This is the sixth ceasefire agreement since the autumn 2014. The last one was reached on Dec 22, 2015.

Permalink: eadaily.com/en/news/2016/01/14/ukrainian-army-keeps-shelling-donetsk-airport
Published on January 14th, 2016 12:53 PM
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