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Pushilin: Kiev’s statements on “Minsk III” are absurd

The statements by Kiev’s representative saying that the Minsk talks shift to a new format are illogical and absurd, Denis Pushilin, the head of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) said during talks in Minsk. This is how Pushilin commented on a statement by Roman Bezsmertnyi, Kiev’s representative at the talks of the contact sub-group for political issues.  Pushilin’s comment is available on the website of the Donetsk News Agency.

Nevertheless, he said, Bezsmertnyi’s statement was another attempt of Kiev to break the peace process. And this requires a response by officials, including OSCE special representative at the Minsk talks Martin Sajdik. “We have to reiterate again and again for Ukraine’s representatives that Minsk II is the improved Minsk I. The document that was created after 16-hour-long discussions on February 11-12, the document that was signed by Ukraine’s representative Leonid Kuchma, the document that was approved by a UN Security Council Resolution, must be implemented inviolately,” Pushilin said.

On January 9, Bezsmertnyi said on the Ukrainian television that a new format of talks on settlement of the conflict in the east of Ukraine – a certain Minsk III – that is not documented anywhere came into effect on January 1. Kiev’s representatives said Minsk II does not meet “even by 50%” the problems Ukraine has faced.

Permalink: eadaily.com/en/news/2016/01/11/pushilin-kievs-statements-on-minsk-iii-are-absurd
Published on January 11th, 2016 12:34 PM
Donetsk News Agency
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