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Yanukovych promises to return to Ukraine as soon as there is a slight chance

Ex-president of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych promises to return to the motherland as soon as there is a slight chance to do it. Talking to the Channel One Russia, Yanukovych promised to do everything possible to make the people’s life easier.
“I cannot stop thinking about how to return and head a protest movement, at first. However, everyone is sure that if I return, the enemies will do their best to liquidate me. My supporters were against my returning to Ukraine. The situation developed rapidly and I could not do it, unfortunately,” Yanukovych said.
He said the major task for today is to stop the war.
“It appears to me that no power can justify the losses Ukraine suffered after the events of February 21-22, 2014. The country has been destroyed. Loss of territories, casualties, destroyed regions. The people in Ukraine are suffering from outrage and injustice. This is what the authorities have received after those events. Of course, I would not like to be an outside observer of all these events,” the ex-president said.

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