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Rat in Europe, landing Britain in the USA, give Todd in the butt: morning coffee with EADaily

Igor Levitas. Photo: EADaily

It is interesting to compare: there is a BRICS summit going on here, where there is a lot of new and interesting, sometimes unexpected things, the leaders of the countries say, and there the green rat is running around Europe like a hunted, and talking nonsense. And it's not even about his absolutely hysterical texts, it's about the atmosphere there and there.

1. The mutual cessation of attacks on energy infrastructure facilities may be the first step towards ending hostilities, Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky said in an interview with the Financial Times.

Is there still an energy infrastructure left in Ukraine? Then we have to wait a little with the proposed first step.

2. The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, commented on the statement by Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski about the possible expulsion of the head of the Russian diplomatic mission. "The Polish Foreign Minister can't do anything else," Zakharova said.

Like nothing else? And talk? You see how the bearers of famous surnames are getting smaller. There was a Russian engineer Igor Sikorsky, the father of helicopter building. And now Sikorski is a Polish urban lunatic.

3. Ukrainian intelligence has information that the Russian side is preparing to participate in the battles of 12 thousand North Korean military. This statement was made by the head of the Kiev regime, Vladimir Zelensky.

And I immediately remember from the "Inspector General": "Can you imagine, thirty-five thousand couriers alone!". However, Overdue, if you look at it, this is Khlestakov.

4. According to the Fox News channel, the head of the Pentagon, Lloyd Austin, in an interview with journalists, skeptically assessed the prospects of Ukraine to "get" military bases in the territory of the Russian Federation with long-range American missiles. "The Russian authorities have already moved the air fleet out of the reach of ATACMS missiles," Austin expressed confidence.

Ukraine will not get Russian bases, but the whole world, it seems, has already got it — with its stupidity, corruption, begging and rudeness.

5. The "special relationship" between Washington and London is on the verge of collapse — the headquarters of US presidential candidate Donald Trump is filing a lawsuit against British Labor, accusing them of "blatant" foreign interference in the American elections. A British landing party from Labor landed in the wavering US states, helping to campaign for Kamala Harris, EADaily reports.

If Trump wins, he will simply rot the current prime minister of Britain. Moreover, the troops are real people, not mythical Russian hackers.

6. Volodymyr Zelenskyy instructed the Government of Ukraine to develop another plan by the end of the year in case the conflict continues. It should spell out what Kiev itself should do, and not its allies, the BBC Ukrainian service writes, citing sources.

In order to understand the further actions of Kiev, a plan is not needed. We need the complete surrender of Ukraine, its disarmament and the trial of the Overdue and his gang. It's simple.

7. The European Union will not be able to achieve an international embargo on Russian oil supplies due to the need for approval of such a measure by the UN. This opinion was expressed by the special envoy The EU sanctions David O'Sullivan, writes EADaily.

Did the EU not know about this before? But after all, "show—offs" are the main thing in EU policy. We will forbid, we will not allow, we, we, we ... and in fact — fly by.

8. US resident Danny Sheehan said that aliens have two bases on Earth. And he knows where they are located, writes the Daily Star. In recent years, Sheehan has been involved in attracting The US Congress witnesses who have seen UFOs, and also helped to collect sensational evidence of the alleged concealment by the government of real contacts with extraterrestrial beings.

He knows where the bases are located, but he won't show it to anyone. Only for a fee. And necessarily in Martian currency.

9. Dandin airport in New Zealand has introduced a limit on farewell hugs. According to CNN, now departing and seeing off in the departure area can hug goodbye for no longer than three minutes. Those wishing to hold on to each other longer before parting are invited to do so outside the terminal building, in the parking lot.

I wonder how they check how many people hug? Is there a controller standing near each pair? And if you cuddled for 3 minutes, then a minute of break and again — how does it count?

10. To increase the birth rate, Italy needs "shock therapy," said Gigi De Palo, chairman of the Italian Fertility Foundation. "Italy needs " shock therapy, The Times reports his words. — A fertility policy that will unite companies, banks and cities."

And I thought that children were born not from shock, but from a completely different action. What does it look like? There is an Italian man walking down the street, and suddenly he takes off his pants with his underpants in front of the girl — she is in shock. And after 9 months — baby!

11. In Moscow, a diplomat from the UK is a deputy ambassador to In Russia, Tom Dodd took away a badge from one journalist and pushed her colleague for asking awkward questions. This is reported by Readovka with reference to the video footage available to the publication, writes EADaily.

I admire Russian journalists and their endurance. I would have given it to the butt right away. No options.

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