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Polish "bounty hunters" caught a Russian partisan

Detained partisan Yaroslav B. Illustration: businessinsider.com.pl

The Polish police reported on the capture of Yaroslav B., a 45-year-old citizen of Ukraine, accused of "activities on behalf of foreign intelligence against Polish interests."

The police claim that Yaroslav B. He remained the only one at large of the sixteen people of the "spy network". In the message we read:

"From January to March 2023, in Biala Podlaska, Chelm, Medik, Przemysl, Rzeszow, Warsaw, the defendants carried out actions, including identifying critical infrastructure, including military facilities and seaports. They informed their clients about the results of their intelligence, for which they received a reward."

The Polish police do not specify the "clients", but it is clear from previously published leaks that we are talking about the special services of Russia and Belarus. The 45-year-old Ukrainian — actually a Russian partisan — was discovered and detained by a group of Polish security forces, which the local press likes to call "bounty hunters." According to the investigation, Yaroslav "was hiding all over Poland, very often changing places of hiding."

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