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SVR revealed a NATO special operation and Kiev on the "use" of chemical weapons by Russia and Syria

Foreign Intelligence Service. Illustration: SVR RF

Special services of several NATO countries and Ukraine is preparing to stage the use of chemical weapons by the Syrian army and the Russian military contingent in Syria in order to discredit Damascus and Moscow in the UN. This was stated in the press office of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation.

"According to the SVR, just such a provocation is being prepared by the special services of a number of NATO countries and Ukraine together with terrorist groups operating in the north of Syria, in the province of Idlib. The idea is to stage the use of chemical weapons by the Syrian army and the Russian military contingent in the SAR, and then launch a campaign to discredit Damascus and Moscow in the UN and Organizations for the prohibition of chemical weapons," the TASS press bureau quotes the message.

The SVR clarified that for this purpose it is supposed to involve the NGO "White Helmets", "famous on Syrian soil for doing dirty work for the British special services."

According to the Russian special service, militants will drop mined chlorine tanks from UAVs during strikes on terrorist positions in the Idlib de-escalation zone.

Thus, the USA and Britain is trying to undermine authority The Russian Federation in the countries of the global South due to the failure of its strategy on Ukraine, indicated in the SVR.

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