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"This is crazy!" — the Bundestag criticized the decision to place missiles in Germany

Bundestag deputy Sarah Wagenknecht. Photo: Britta Pedersen / zb / dpa

Representatives of the factions of the Leftist Party and the Sarah Wagenknecht Union in the Bundestag sharply criticized the decision to deploy long-range weapons in Germany, the Welt newspaper reported today, July 11.

"The deployment of additional attack missiles on German soil will not improve our security, but on the contrary increases the danger that Germany itself will become a theater of war with frightening consequences for all people living here. This madness must finally be stopped," said Sarah Wagenknecht, a member of the Bundestag and chairman of her own party.

According to the politician, instead of a new arms race, "peace talks" are needed that would end the conflict on the Ukraine. The parliamentarian also demanded the restoration of treaties and agreements on disarmament, which ensured security in Europe after the end of the Cold War.

"And we need a federal government that represents the vital interests of our country, and does not obediently fulfill the wishes of the United States, which, unlike Germany, will not be directly affected by the consequences of the great European war," she concluded.

The Leftist party also warned against a new arms race in connection with the planned deployment of long-range weapons in Germany.

"I consider this decision to be very problematic, since the arms race continues under the guise of deterrence," stated Bundestag deputy Dietmar Bartsch.
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