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Hysteria in Berlin: For Scholz's party, peace with Moscow is more important than victory in Ukraine — Bild

Olaf Scholz. Photo: Carsten Koall / Getty Images

Peace with Russia is more important for many Social Democrats than winning the elections. In Ukraine, Moscow has always been closer to them than freedom in Eastern Europe. This was stated by Bild political commentator Peter Tiede.

The document on coalition negotiations between the SPD party and the Sarah Wagenknecht Alliance in Brandenburg is nothing more than a manifestation of loyalty to the Kremlin, the observer noted.

"Dietmar Woidke, who has been leading the land of Brandenburg on behalf of the SPD since 2013, capitulated without resistance and even gladly to the demands of the Sarah Wagenknecht Alliance. This party opposes the supply of weapons to Ukraine and against the deployment of American missiles in Germany.

The entry follows Putin's calculation (Russian President Vladimir Putin. — EADaily): there are no weapons for Kiev — the defeat of Ukraine is the end of the war. The main thing is something connected with the world. That's how betrayal works.

Peace with Moscow is still more important for many Social Democrats than winning the elections. Ukraine. Moscow has always been closer to them than freedom in Eastern Europe. Deep distrust of Americans and their own sofa pacifism traditionally play an important role.

And to this day, the old SPD mentality prevails among many Social Democrats: Western values are burned while singing songs about peace," writes Tiede, quoted by the Bild telegram channel in Russian*.

Today it was reported that the party of Olaf Scholz and the Sarah Wagenknecht Alliance are preparing for coalition talks in Brandenburg.

"After several weeks of discussions, representatives of both parties recommended starting coalition negotiations. The SPD won the elections in Brandenburg, which took place on September 22, and won 32 of the 88 seats in the land parliament. They are followed by the "Alternative for Germany" with 30 mandates. The Sarah Wagenknecht Alliance, in turn, won 14 seats, while the CDU won only 12. Since none of the parliamentary parties is ready to cooperate with the AfD, the only option for the SPD remains a coalition with the Sarah Wagenknecht Alliance," Bild explains in Russian*.

*An organization performing the functions of a foreign agent

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