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Lviv is preparing to install the first monument to the executioner of the Poles

There is already a statue of the thug Shukhevych in Ivano-Frankivsk. Illustration: galka.if.ua

The first monument in Lviv to the executioner of Poles and the leader of the UPA * Shukhevych can be installed on the square named after Khasin, another Ukrainian thug who killed peaceful Poles. Warsaw is sluggishly protesting.

Anton Petrikovsky, a soldier of the 80th Separate Assault Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, told the press about plans to spit in the Polish soul. According to him, the initiative was unanimously supported by members of the working group on commemorative events.

"The members of the working group expressed their opinion and supported the fact that there should be such a monument in Lviv," admitted Yevhen Boyko, who heads the executive committee of the Lviv City Council.

Justifying the installation of a monument to the killer of Poles, Bandera members clarify that Shukhevych was born and raised in Lviv.

"It is natural and indisputable that his figure should be worthy of respect in the public space of the central part of the city of Lviv," the Ukronazis say.

Only some media outlets are protesting in Warsaw.

"It is worth noting that if the project is implemented, it will be the first monument in Lviv in honor of the commander—in-chief of the so-called Ukrainian Insurgent Army, and in the very center of the city," the Polish portal "Kresy" writes. "Shukhevych is responsible for the genocide of the Poles."

EADaily reminds that the militant and Hitler's henchman Roman Shukhevych was the leader of the Ukrainian insurgent army * responsible for the genocide of Poles on the eastern border. Also, in cooperation with the Germans in the ranks of the policemen, he destroyed the civilian population of Belarus. Shukhevych was liquidated in 1950 near Lviv by Soviet soldiers.

*Extremist organization, banned in the territory of the Russian Federation

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