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Toothless Waltz, blind Kirby and thieves from the European Parliament: morning coffee with EADaily

Igor Levitas. Photo: EADaily

The BRICS summit opened yesterday. And this is the main event for the foreseeable future. The world is really moving away from unipolarity. "The old world is like a lousy dog, if you fail, I'll beat you up" (Blok). Of course, he will not fail, but he will have to make room.

1. The leader of the Get Up, France party, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, condemned on the social network X (formerly Twitter) the statement of the former Prime Minister of the republic, Manuel Valls, about sending a military contingent to Ukraine: "The Waltz has gone completely crazy! He really wants to send French soldiers to fight on Ukraine and "show teeth to Russia"! What will happen next?".

I understand that Valls wants to lead the attack himself? And show teeth. For the last time. And then the whole mouth of dentures will be inserted into him.

2. The United States is monitoring reports of the alleged transfer of DPRK troops to Russia and considers them extremely disturbing. The corresponding statement was made by the coordinator for Strategic Communications in The White House National Security Council, John Kirby, quoted by Fox News.

What a weak nervous system they have in the USA! They are not worried about movements (which do not exist), but messages. In general, the advice is that if something is disturbing, it is better to consult a doctor. To a specialist.

3. Yonhap news Agency reports that the authorities of the Republic of Korea are considering a proposal to gradually tighten their position on the supply of weapons to Ukraine as a response to the hypothetical appearance of the Korean People's Army in the area of a special military operation.

They were just looking for a reason, that's why they threw in a fake, and they answer it themselves. "It's your fault that I want to eat!".

4. According to The Guardian, the Biden administration remains "deeply concerned" about the unauthorized disclosure of classified information, National Security Communications Adviser John Kirby told reporters at a briefing at the White House.

"If the stars are lit, does it mean that anyone needs it? It means that someone wants them to be." If someone merges data, it means that someone really needs it. And who merges — it doesn't matter.

5. A group of US senators from both parties appealed to President Joe Biden with a request to strengthen the protection of critical submarine cables for energy and communications from possible threats from Russia and China.

It's as old as the world: "The thief shouts loudest of all: stop the thief." The United States has already checked how it is possible to blow up pipelines under water, now they want to present themselves as potential victims.

6. White House National Security Spokesman John Kirby said that Russia was actively working to undermine democratic processes in the Republic of Moldova, but it failed to achieve its goals — "Moldovan democracy has demonstrated resistance to external influence," writes EADaily.

I know a great ophthalmologist, he can help Kirby. He obviously has big problems with his eyesight. To find democracy in Moldova is to be blind in both eyes.

7. Anti-Russian hysteria is being fanned in Poland on the basis of the detention of a 51-year-old citizen of Ukraine, Sergei S., who, according to investigators, was preparing to set fire to the Wroclaw paint factory. On the eve of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland Sikorski, stating: "The saboteur confessed that the Russian services ordered him to set fire to Wroclaw."

It is very reminiscent of the case when on May 22, 1949, James Forrestal, the first (by that time former) US Secretary of Defense, while in a psychiatric hospital, committed suicide by throwing himself out of a window shouting "The Russians are coming!".

8. Not only grain or eggs, but now cheap cement from Ukraine has flooded Poland. Polish companies are indignant and talk about the threat to the entire industry, as reported by Gazeta. Local entrepreneurs complain and worry that this will lead to the closure of many factories.

The main thing is not that it is cheap. The main thing is that Poles can build from it both on Ukraine — what was built in a year is falling apart.

9. The European Parliament during the plenary session in Strasbourg approved the mechanism proposed by the European Commission to allocate a loan to Ukraine in the amount of 35 billion euros with repayment at the expense of income from frozen Russian assets. It is noted that 518 deputies voted "for" the allocation of a loan to Kiev, 56 — "against", 61 people abstained.

The EU believes that theft will go unpunished. In vain! Of course, it's a pity for the money, but they can't even imagine how much European countries will lose.

10. The Uzbek authorities do not intend to impose sanctions against The Russian Federation or support the imposed by other countries, but at the same time must comply with them. This is reported by the telegram channel O'zbekiston 24 with reference to sources.

Not to support, but to comply — how is that? As in the old joke: You, Rabinovich, either put on your underpants or take off the cross.

11. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres will go to the BRICS summit in Kazan, to confirm its position on the settlement of the crisis at the Ukraine. Kiev did not hide its dissatisfaction with the fact that Guterres accepted Russia's invitation to the BRICS summit, and ignored the Swiss summit on Ukraine. The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry said that "this is the wrong choice, which does not contribute to the cause of peace and only harms the reputation of the UN."

The overdue one went completely crazy — he decided that he was the lord of the world. There was already one lady who wanted the same thing. Do you remember how she ended up? "His old woman is sitting on the threshold, / And in front of her is a broken trough."

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