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Searches in the Kursk UKS: the case of fortifications on the border with Ukraine

Maxim Vasiliev. Photo: telegram channel Mash / social networks

As part of the case of the construction of fortifications on the border with Ukraine, which did not have time to be handed over on time, searches were conducted in the Kursk Capital Construction Department (UKS) and in several firms associated with MP Maxim Vasiliev, the telegram channel Mash reported.

According to him, a criminal case has already been opened on fraud on an especially large scale and abuse of official authority.

"The deputy's firms acted as contractors and, among others, had to work at the border. We are talking about LLC "CTC Service", LLC "Avtospectech-46", LLC "Siemi, LLCTechimpex, LLCElectrostroymontazh“. Many Vasiliev is also remembered for his beer videos from Mexico. After which, in early January 2023, a scandal began, and he himself left the post of deputy chairman of the Committee on Budget, taxes and Economic Development," writes TK.

Earlier it was reported that the UCS of the region through the court demanded 2 billion 112 million rubles from the local Development Corporation. All these are penalties for late delivery of buildings under six state contracts. Three of them were concluded on December 24, 2022, and three more on April 24, 2023. The facilities were supposed to appear on August 1.

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