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So what about the North Korean military in the SMO zone? — The Kremlin gave a comment

Photo: EADaily

Press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Peskov told reporters that "probably" it is necessary to treat the information about the alleged presence of the DPRK military on the side of Russia in the SMO zone as contradictory. And forwarded the question to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

"We see a lot of conflicting information: the South Koreans say one thing, then the Pentagon says they have no confirmation of such statements. Therefore, there is a lot of conflicting information," the Kremlin spokesman stated.
"Probably, this is how it [such information] should be treated," Peskov believes.
"This is a question that concerns the conduct of a special military operation, you need to contact the Ministry of Defense," he said, answering the question whether the DPRK military are in the Russian Federation and whether their participation in SMO is planned, TASS quotes.

As EADaily reported, Russian Ambassador Georgy Zinoviev in Seoul was summoned to the South Korean Foreign Ministry, where he assured that "cooperation between the Russian Federation and The DPRK is carried out within the framework of international law and is not directed against the security interests of the Republic of Korea." In turn, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kim Hong Kyung noted that Seoul "will respond together with the international community, using all available measures, to actions that pose a danger to its key security interests."

On October 10, Peskov said that media allegations about the participation of North Korean military personnel in Russia's special military operation on Ukraine is reminded of another newspaper duck.

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