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An SBU agent was detained in Crimea, who transmitted data on the Russian Armed Forces in Kherson region — FSB

Illustration: FSB of Russia

An SBU agent was detained on the territory of Crimea for espionage in the Kherson region, the FSB Public Relations Center of Russia reported.

"A citizen of Ukraine born in 2001 was detained, who transmitted information to the Security Service of Ukraine about Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. In the course of operational search activities, it was established that a resident of the Kherson region proactively established contact with representatives of the Ukrainian special service and, on the instructions of the curator, collected and forwarded via the Telegram Internet messenger information about the location of the deployment points of the Russian Armed Forces personnel in the Kherson region," the agency said.

The investigative Department of the FSB for the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol has opened a criminal case under Article 276 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (espionage), which provides for up to 20 years in prison. The suspect has been arrested.

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