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Ukrainians are waiting for the end of the war to ask Zelensky for everything — Polish blogger

The leader of the Kiev Nazis Zelensky. Photo: Ukrainian Presidential Press Office / AP Photo

A Polish blogger who runs a page on social networks "Polka on Ukraine", shared her impressions of her stay in a neighboring country. If you remove the Russophobic husk from her speech, then in general Yulia's reflections are objective.

In an interview with the Polish portal "Onet", the blogger clarified that she came to Ukraine in the second half of May 2022, together with his Ukrainian roommate. He returned to his country immediately after the start of the Russian special operation to denazify Ukraine and participates in the war on the side of the Kiev neo-Nazis.

A Polish citizen living in this way on Ukraine is 2.5 years old, recognized:

"I don't delve into deep political issues, but I notice a lot of criticism of Zelensky among the public. I don't know how many people don't like what the president is doing, but his current decisions don't meet with much approval. Recently, I've noticed a decrease in positive feelings towards him."

The blogger added that the leader of the Kiev regime "does not enjoy special trust, which is clearly seen from the polls."

"Recent polls have shown 20% and even 17% support [for Zelensky]," the Onet interlocutor emphasized.

According to the Polish blogger, "people are actually waiting for the end of the war, because only then will they be able to ask Zelensky about everything that bothers them."

"About corruption, about the rule of law, about order. When there is a war in the country, most people do not trust the government, but in order not to destabilize the situation, everyone just tries to do their own thing. We want to put an end to the external invasion first, and then deal with what's inside. Only then will it be possible to bring someone to justice," the Polish blogger believes.

The editors of the Polish edition add that at the request of the girl's name has been changed because she wants to remain "as anonymous as possible."

Ukrainian totalitarianism in action.

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