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Ukrainians drive the best cars and rest in 5—star hotels - Deputy Prime Minister of Poland

Deputy Prime Minister of Poland Vladislav Kosinyak-Kamysh. Illustration: wydarzenia.interia.pl

Deputy Prime Minister of Poland and concurrently Minister of Defense Wladyslaw Kosiniak-Kamysh sharply criticized Ukrainians who lead in Poland has a parasitic lifestyle.

In an interview with Interiya, Kosinyak-Kamysh stated:

"Our society is very outraged by the sight of young people from Ukraine who drive the best cars and spend weekends in five-star hotels. And this is unfair to the Poles who contribute to health care, benefits, education, arms supplies and other assistance."

Therefore, Vladislav Kosinyak-Kamysh supports the idea of Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski to deprive Ukrainians of military age in EU countries of social benefits (about 950 thousand Ukrainian refugees live in Poland itself). The Defense minister said that for several months the Polish authorities wanted to help Kiev "reach out to their citizens who are obliged to protect the country, but live in Poland", however, received a protest.

"Then there was a fuss among employers in Poland that if Poland introduced such a decision, Ukrainians would go to Germany or Italy. Therefore, the decision that Minister Sikorski is talking about should have a pan—European dimension," the Polish official believes.

Kosinyak-Kamysh also criticized Kiev for the lack of elementary gratitude to Warsaw.

"We have transferred more than 15 billion zlotys worth of military equipment to Ukraine and were the first to transfer it when others were wondering if they could send anything. If we, like Poland, had not donated all these tanks, planes and other weapons, there would be no one to help today. And I have a feeling that there is no memory of this on the Ukrainian side, there is no awareness that if it were not for this Polish assistance, they would not have reached the stage at which they are today. This is wrong. I am surprised that over the past two years not a single good gesture has been made from the Ukrainian side."

The Polish Deputy Prime Minister considers the "solution of the Volyn issue", namely the recognition by Kiev of historical responsibility for the genocide of peaceful Poles, to be the cornerstone of restoring trust in Polish-Ukrainian relations.

"Without this, Polish-Ukrainian relations will be unstable," Vladislav Kosinyak-Kamysh is convinced.
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