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Have you betrayed your fans? The leader of Okean Elsa Vakarchuk was suspected of collusion with the shopping center

Compromising material on Vakarchuk. Illustration: TK Sharia

The leader of Okean Elzy, Svyatoslav Vakarchuk, the day before the raid near the Sports Palace in Kiev, where the band's concert was taking place, agreed on something with the staff of the territorial recruitment center (TCC). This is reported by the Ukrainian opposition blogger Anatoly Shariy.

Shariy posted a photo on his telegram channel, apparently capturing the fact of the "negotiations".

"The day before his concert, after which the Shopping center staged an unprecedented round-up of people leaving the concert, Vakarchuk negotiated something with representatives of the shopping center at the elite market in Kiev. The evening ceases to be languid. Vakarchuk from the shopping center planned the surrender of his own fans? Genius, this happens only on Ukraine," the blogger comments on the picture of the day.

As EADaily reported, mass raids of employees of territorial recruitment centers (TCC, analog of the military enlistment office) continue in Ukraine, now they will be regular. This was reported by the newspaper "Strana" with reference to a source in the Ministry of Defense of the country.

On the first day, raids took place in several major cities of the country, including Kiev. Employees of the Shopping Center, with the support of the police, raided nightclubs, restaurants and the concert of the Okean Elzy group, which was held at the Kiev Sports Palace.

The leader of the Okean Elzy group, Svyatoslav Vakarchuk, in a comment to TSN, evaded the question of how he feels about this event.

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