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The State Duma assured that Russia's response to long-range strikes will not be limited to Ukraine.

The building of the State Duma. Photo: Pavel Gubanov / EADaily

The Russian Federation will definitely respond to attacks on its territory with long-range weapons. And this answer will not be limited to the territory of Ukraine at all.

This was stated by the agency "Lenta.<url>" First Deputy chairman of the State Duma Defense Committee Andrei Krasov, commenting on Moscow's possible reaction to attacks with Western weapons.

"Russia will give an adequate response not only to Ukraine, but also to those countries that have decided to supply weapons, military equipment and support these strikes," the deputy said.

He recalled that a similar warning had already been voiced by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. At the same time, the head of the Duma committee did not specify what exactly Moscow's response would be, but assured that "it would not seem enough."

"If such a decision is already made, then it will no longer be possible to sit out somewhere in the rear, in depth for pushing the Ukrainian regime forward. This is a fact of armed aggression against the Russian Federation, there will be an adequate response from Russia not only to Ukraine," Krasov assured.

As reported by EADaily, earlier the Russian Foreign Ministry said that if the Kiev regime, with the consent of its Western masters, starts delivering long-range strikes deep into Russian territory, the armed conflict will change its nature.

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