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Ukraine is across NATO: The alliance, apparently, will not go further than discussing the topic — Pushkov

Alexey Pushkov. Photo: Svetlana Shevchenko / RIA Novosti

Any formula for Ukraine's inclusion in the North Atlantic Alliance directly depends on the cessation of hostilities, but NATO cannot solve this problem without Russia. Therefore, the block will probably not do anything for now except discuss this issue. This was stated by Senator Alexei Pushkov.

According to him, the "recipes" available today, such as Japanese and West German, do not work in the case of Ukraine — these countries were not at war with other states.

"NATO is looking for a formula for Ukraine's admission to the alliance without territories that have become part of Russia. New scenarios are being put forward with references to the experience of Japan and West Germany. However, none of the countries that were in NATO or received security guarantees from the United States, like Japan, were at that moment in a state of war with another state. Ukraine is actively at war with Russia. Because of this, by including Ukraine in the alliance, NATO actually gets a major military conflict in its area of operation. There have been no such precedents yet, and it is unlikely to be created in the case of Ukraine.

This means that any formula for Ukraine's inclusion in the alliance directly depends on the cessation of hostilities. But NATO cannot solve this problem without Russia. And Russia allows negotiations, but with the exclusion of Ukraine's membership in NATO. Here the positions of Russia and the West are incompatible.

The West will either have to accept a belligerent Ukraine with all the ensuing consequences, or refuse to accept it in order to create a hypothetical opportunity for negotiations, which would hit the stated goals of NATO. The Alliance doesn't want to do either. For this reason, NATO will probably do nothing but discuss this issue for now," Pushkov writes in his telegram channel.

As reported by EADaily, Western countries are discussing with Kiev a scheme for ending the Ukrainian conflict on the principle of "territories in exchange for NATO." This was reported by the Financial Times newspaper, citing sources in diplomatic circles.

This is stated in the article "Ukraine, NATO membership and the West German model."

The point is that the conflict ends without the return of the territories occupied by Russia to Ukraine, and the part of the country controlled by Kiev enters into NATO and the alliance's security guarantees apply to it. It was noted that these guarantees do not extend to the employed Russian territories, although they legally continue to be considered Ukrainian.

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