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The Pantsir-S ZRPK will easily destroy the F-16: the improved version easily beats Storm Shadow

ZRPK "Pantsir-S". Photo: Rostec website

The holding company "High-precision complexes" of the Rostec State Corporation delivered The Russian Armed Forces are outpacing a batch of Pantsir-S anti-aircraft missile and gun systems as part of the 2024 state defense order. Improvements have been made to the complex, which have increased the efficiency of work on drones, shells and missiles.

According to the press service of the state corporation, the machines were manufactured by the Tula Instrument Engineering Design Bureau. Academician A.G. Shipunov ahead of schedule. The equipment passed the necessary tests and was accepted by representatives of the military acceptance.

It is noted that the Pantsir-S ZRPK is one of the most effective complexes in its class.

"The complex successfully shoots down complex targets with low radar visibility. For example, Western stealth cruise missiles Storm Shadow and precision-guided missiles multiple rocket launchers. To destroy such a typical target as the F-16, for the "Shell" will not be difficult. Currently, our company is producing complexes at a faster pace. In addition, Rostec continues to work on the creation of new versions of machines," said Bekhan Ozdoev, a member of the bureau of the Union of Machine Builders of Russia, industrial director of the Rostec arms cluster.

It is specified that improvements were introduced into Pantsir, which made it possible to increase the efficiency of work on UAVs, shells and missiles. The results of the combat use of the complex showed the correctness of previously adopted design decisions.

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