Irina Bolgar, who calls herself the mother of Pavel Durov's children, filed a lawsuit in a Swiss court against the founder of Telegram. This is reported by the telegram channel "DW * main" with reference to the American magazine Forbes.
The Bulgarian accused Durov of "using physical violence" to her child. The lawsuit, as the magazine clarifies, was filed more than a year ago, in March 2023, but the fact surfaced only now, after Durov was arrested in France and charged with 12 counts.
▼ читать продолжение новости ▼A resident of Switzerland claims that Durov "used physical violence" five times from 2021 to 2022 to their youngest son born in 2017, which, according to the Bulgarians, led to a concussion in the boy and sleep problems. As evidence, the Bulgarians presented to the investigation correspondence with Durov and a doctor's certificate dated April 2023. The certificate says that her My son's sleep is disturbed and anxiety has increased.
▼ читать продолжение новости ▼"After that, the Bulgarians also filed a civil lawsuit. The subject is custody of common children. The court ruled in her favor, and the founder of Telegram was not present at the debate. Forbes also reported that even before filing a lawsuit about the violence of the Bulgarians sued Durov about alimony in the amount of 150 thousand euros, which he allegedly stopped paying. The position of the entrepreneur himself in the proceedings with the Bulgarians remains unknown," the TC summarizes.
According to Forbes, the case has not yet been closed.
"Let's still rape, how is it without rape?" — the oppositional Ukrainian blogger Anatoly Shariy is ironic.
"My friend was silent until Durov stopped throwing her 150 thousand greens a month because of her refusal to go with him to the Emirates from Switzerland. After that, she remembered all the sins of Durov and went to the police. "When we flew economy class for the first time, the children [who had previously flown only on private jets] asked, 'where did other people come from here,' complains Irina Bolgar," the Banksta telegram channel notes, commenting on the publication in AFP.
Apparently, they want to do the same with Pavel Durov as with Julian Assange, when a reason is chosen for detention, not a political one, but a domestic one, the telegram channel "MIG of Russia" expressed his point of view on what is happening.
"Assange was pressed on an obviously made-up rape case… Pavel was given some of his children, apparently through his mother, who was asked to "help"... The technique is as simple as three kopecks: mom will lie about a belt or slaps on the back of the head, which the biological dad used as an educational method for rare dates — and this will be enough to keep Durov in a French prison as long as it will be required. Assange will not let you lie. And hardly anyone will seriously intercede," writes TK.
As reported by EADaily, in early August Irina Bolgar, who previously called herself the mother of three children of Telegram creator Pavel Durov, said that the children were officially recognized by the father.
"Yes, he is listed in the "father" column," she told RIA Novosti.
According to her, the children bear the surname Durov, all the children's friends know about the relationship with him.
*An organization performing the functions of a foreign agent