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Supreme Rada’s committee recommends allowing appointment of non-professional General Prosecutor

The Supreme Rada’s Committee on Legislative Support of Law Enforcement recommends the Ukrainian MPs to approve the bill allowing a person with no education to be Prosecutor General. 

“We need a person who will put things in order there (Prosecutor General’s Office),” Chairman of the Committee Andriy Kozhemiakin said.

The bill was introduced by MP from the Petro Poroshenko Bloc Mykola Palamarchuk and MP from the People’s Will group Viktor Razvadovskyi. Now it is for the MPs to decide.

The current law says that only a person with legal training and 10-year experience in the law has the right to be Prosecutor General.

Ukrainian mass media say that the bill was drafted with the purpose to make it possible for the leader of the parliamentary group of the Petro Poroshenko Bloc Yuri Lutsenko to get the office.

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