  • $ 96.65 +0.39
  • 104.63 +0.41
  • ¥ 13.57 -0.05

National Bank of Ukraine: One third of money transfers comes from Russia

In 2015, Russia was still the leader by the money transfers to Ukraine. According to the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU), Ukraine received USD 1.2billion money transfers from Russia, which accounted for 29.2% of total money transfers from foreign countries.

The regulator says that comparing to 2014, money transfers decreased by 42.5% (USD 2billion). The money transfers from the CIS countries to Ukraine accounted for more than 32% of total. Ukraine received USD 1.6billion (39% of total money transfers) from the European Union countries, which was by 16.3% less than in 2014. Germany is the leader in the EU countries – 6.5% (down by 17.8%).  As for the other countries, most of the money transfers were received from U.S. – 12.4% (down 4.2%).

Money remittances from Israel, Canada, China and Poland increased by 15.4% in total.

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