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Moldovan premier and parliament drafting Cabinet’s program

Four working groups comprising MPs from the parliamentary majority are developing the program of the new Moldovan Cabinet led by Democrat Pavel Filip.

After Filip’s meeting with 14 former Communist MPs, now constituting the Social-Democratic Platform, the leader of the platform Violetta Ivanova said that the groups are responsible for social, economic, legal and political aspects of the program.

Ivanova is sure that the program will make Moldova prosperous. “Filip’s Cabinet will be competent,” she said.

Filip said that the meeting was constructive. He hopes to get support from at least 55 MPs. Now he is trying to convince the other MPs to give him their votes. For this purpose, he is ready to meet with all factions.

“We will struggle till we topple the current oligarchic regime. We will insist on mid-term elections,” President of the Grand National Assembly Council Andrei Nastase said.

On Jan 17, tens of thousands of people from all over Moldova fathered in the square in front of the Grant National Assembly in order to protest against the president’s decision to appoint Pavel Filip as prime minister. They believe that by appointing an oligarch as prime minister, Timofti betrayed them.

The protesters are going to rally again on the day the Moldovan MPs will be voting on Filip’s Cabinet.

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