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Ukraine's Armed Forces launch mortar fire at Donetsk Airport

Early in the morning today, on January 15, Ukraine’s Armed Forces resumed mortar fire at the territory of the Donetsk airport.

Ukrainian security forces from national battalions have shelled the territory of the airport with 82mm mortars. “They have fired at least 6 shells by this moment,” the Defense Ministry of the republic says.

On January 14 at night, Ukraine’s Armed Forces shelled Volvo-Center located not far from the airport.

EADaily reported earlier that the tri-partite Contact Group achieved an agreement on the seventh in succession “peace regime” in Donbass on January 13 in Minsk.  “A full ceasefire regime comes into effect in Donbass at midnight today (on 00:00am on Thursday, January 14),” OSCE special representative at the Minsk talks Martin Sajdik said after the meeting.

Permalink: eadaily.com/en/news/2016/01/15/ukraines-armed-forces-launch-mortar-fire-at-donetsk-airport
Published on January 15th, 2016 10:08 AM
Donetsk News Agency
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