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Leaders of Russia, Ukraine, France, and Germany pass declaration on series of measures to fulfill Minsk agreements

Presidents of Russia, Ukraine, France and German Chancellor have signed a joint declaration on a series of measures - adopted on Feb 12 - to fulfill the Minsk agreement.

The document, particularly, says that Vladimir Putin, Petro Poroshenko, Francois Hollande, and Angela Merkel confirm their respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, saying they are convinced that there is no alternative to the peaceful settlement.  To that end, the leaders say, they are ready to take every possible step either independently or jointly.

“In this context, the leaders approve the comprehensive set of measures to fulfill the Minsk agreements adopted and signed in Minsk on February 12, 2015 by all the parties who signed also the Minsk Protocol dated September 5, 2014 and the Minsk Memorandum dated September 19, 2014. The leaders will be contributing to this process and using their influence on the relevant parties to help fulfill that set of measures. Germany and France will provide technical assistance in restoring the banking segment in the conflict-affected areas, presumably, through development of an international mechanism to help making social payments,” the declaration reads.

Leaders agreed that the increasing cooperation of the European Union, Ukraine, and Russia would help manage the crisis in Ukraine. To that end, they came out for further trilateral talks of the EU, Ukraine, and Russia on the energy issues, particularly, on the steps towards development of the “winter gas package.”

They support also the trilateral talks to achieve a practical solution to the issues that raise Russia’s concerns, particularly, the fulfillment of the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement between Ukraine and EU. The leaders reaffirm their commitment to the idea of a common humanitarian and economic area from the Atlantic up to the Pacific building on full respects for the International Law and the OSCE principles.

The leaders will stay committed to fulfillment of the Minsk agreements. With this view, they agreed to develop a mechanism of control in the “Norman Format” that will hold regular meetings, generally, at the level of senior officials representing the foreign ministries.   

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