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Putin and Obama discuss peaceful solution to Ukrainian crisis

Presidents of Russia and the United States, Vladimir Putin and Barack Obama, had a phone talk on February 10 at the initiative of the American party. The Kremlin said in a statement, the leaders focused on the situation in Ukraine and highlighted the need for a peaceful solution to the acute crisis in that country.

Putin provided a detailed assessment of the situation in the southeast of Ukraine, with an emphasis on Russia's recent proposals that were discussed ahead of the February 11 Minsk Summit of the Norman Four.

The presidents of Russia and the United States emphasized the importance of a political – through dialogue – resolution of Ukraine's internal problems, prompt cessation of bloodshed, and protection of the legitimate rights and interests of all the citizens of Ukraine without exception, including in the southeast.

To bring their stances and approaches on the situation in Ukraine closer, the two leaders agreed to maintain contacts at various levels.

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