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Turkmenistan stopped gas supplies to Gazprom

Turkmen gas networks. Photo: oilgas.gov.tm

The contract for the supply of Turkmen gas to Gazprom will not be extended. The parties have not agreed on the price, Chairman of Turkmengaz Maksat Babayev said. Experts believe that in the current situation, the Russian company does not really need Turkmen fuel.

"On June 30 ... the contract provided for a revision of prices for this period: if the parties agree on the price, then an extension was possible. We held negotiations and did not find a common understanding regarding the commercial part. Therefore, according to the terms of the contract, it was during this period that the price was to be reviewed, and if the parties do not agree, the contract should be terminated on June 30. Which, in principle, we have done," Maksat Babayev said at the international conference and exhibition "Oil and Gas of Turkmenistan — 2024", TASS reports.

Can deliveries resume? The head of the Turkmen company did not rule it out.

"It is from the point of view of benefits, mutually beneficial cooperation that purchase and sale contracts are considered… Today, our demand from various sides — from the north, west, and east — is increasing. Therefore, we can say that every day we are at the stage of negotiations with various buyers and countries, so everything is possible," the head of the Turkmen state—owned company added.

Earlier, Turkmengaz and Gazprom had a five-year contract for the supply of up to 5.5 billion cubic meters per year to the Russian company.

Alexey Grivach, Deputy Director of FNEB, believes that Gazprom obviously does not really need Turkmen gas. After a significant decrease in supplies to the countries The EU Russian company itself is looking for new routes for the supply of its own fuel.

Permalink: eadaily.com/en/news/2024/10/25/turkmenistan-stopped-gas-supplies-to-gazprom
Published on October 25th, 2024 06:57 PM
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