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Unusual abilities of the Su-57 in the SMO zone: Saab 340 and F-16 have no chance

Launch of a rocket from a fifth-generation multirole fighter Su-57 of the Russian Aerospace Forces. Photo: Russian Ministry of Defense

A number of domestic military-technical Telegram channels published a video of a low-altitude passage of a multi-purpose fighter-bomber of the 5th generation Su-57 immediately after takeoff from one of the rear airfields of the Russian Aerospace Forces to deliver a precision strike on one of the strategically important nodes of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the SMO zone.

As you know, the baptism of fire of the Su-57 in the SMO zone began in the first half of 2022: the crews used the vehicles sporadically both in local operations to strike the 36D6 long-range radar (ST-68UM), elements of the Kolchuga-M electronic reconnaissance complexes and other critical nodes, and in operations on radio engineering and radar reconnaissance of priority areas.

In particular, in the latter case, the Su-57 pilots were able, for the first time in a combat situation, to test the L-150 Pastel radiation warning stations, the unique on-board radar complexes N036 Belka, represented by both the main forward hemisphere viewing module based on an active phased array antenna and the side-view modules N036B-1−01L/B of a similar type, but with less power and effective detection range.

With the help of the L-150, the detection and identification of the AFU radar equipment operating on radiation, including the 30H6 illumination radars of the S-300PS complexes, as well as the 9C35M1 Buk-M1 complexes, were worked out, while the Su-57 crews using the synthesized aperture and air-to-surface radars of the Belka operating in the modes of the synthesized aperture and "air-to-surface" radars We were able to test the detection of large mechanized columns of the Armed Forces of Ukraine at distances up to 150 km and single MLRS launchers at distances up to 70-80 km.

Also, as part of individual units, the Su-57 crews were able to work out the exchange of information on the tactical air and ground situation with target distribution through secure channels of the K-DlI type system, which is part of the element base of the K-111-N communications complex. The use of an attacking missile detection system was worked out, represented by 6 101KS-U ultraviolet sensors distributed over the fuselage.

These sensors are capable of detecting anti-aircraft, anti-radar and cruise missiles, as well as rockets, jet drones and enemy aircraft by ultraviolet radiation from the flares of their rocket and jet engines, after which the target designation can be issued to the 101KS-B optical-electronic sighting system and the Belka radar, with which the Su-57 pilot will be able to take any detected objects to escort and intercept them with missiles "Product-180" or R-37M. At the same time, the detection range of the Belka radar, as you have already understood, will depend on the reflective surface of the enemy object.

But what interested the audience in the video of the TC "Military Informant" with the passage of the Su-57 over the operator's head?

We are talking about the use of multipurpose tactical missiles X-59MK2 classic modification with a round section of the fuselage and increased dimensions as part of the ammunition of this machine. At the same time, the missiles are placed on the outer underwing suspension units of the AKU-58U. Meanwhile, it is known that the concept of combat use of 5th generation fighters provides for the placement of missile and bomb weapons mainly in the internal armament compartments. Such a configuration provides the machine with a minimum radar signature, which reduces the range of its detection by radar means of a potential enemy by about 2 to 3 times, since additional reflective surfaces of missiles are hidden in the fuselage of the machine.

If we consider this configuration in relation to the Su-57, then its effective reflective surface with X-59MK2 missiles "hidden" in the fuselage compartments in an inconspicuous version will be about 0.2 square meters. m. Saab 340 AEW&C long-range detection aircraft transferred to the Armed Forces of Ukraine will be able to detect a similar target at a distance of up to 150 km against the background of the Earth's surface. And the X-59MK2 missiles in the video version of the underwing placement increase the reflective surface of the aircraft to 1 — 1.3 square meters. In this case, the detection range will increase to 250-270 km, which will make it much more difficult for the Su—57 to reach the boundaries of the use of X-59MK2 missiles.

And here the audience is wondering: are Su-57 flights with underwing "blanks" so critical when it does not correspond a little to the modern tactics of using 5th generation fighters?

Even taking into account the F-16AM fighters at the disposal of the enemy and, in the future, Saab 340 AEW & C long-range detection aircraft, the use of Su-57 with weapons on external suspensions is quite acceptable, since F-16AM in any scenario will not be able to detect Su—57 at a distance of more than 75-80 km. As for the Swedish Saab 340 "air radars", even if there is an energy potential to detect the Su-57 at a distance of 270 km with weapons on external pylons, the use of these machines for the enemy will be small, since to detect the Su-57 long before the launch of the X-59MK2 missiles, the Saabs will need almost close (50 — 100 km) approach the air border between Russia and Ukraine, in order to "look" as deeply as possible into our airspace.

In such a situation, the Saab 340 will instantly find themselves within the range of the S-300V4, S-350A Vityaz and S-400 air defense systems, not to mention the MiG-31BM interceptors. Therefore, the current technical equipment of the Air Force fleet does not impose any restrictions on the Su-57 crews regarding the use of missile weapons from external underwing suspension units.

More importantly, today we have started testing the tandem use of the network-centric link Su—57 - S-70 Okhotnik-B in combat conditions, where the second one is used as the so-called "unmanned wingman". The Hunter-B heavy transonic reconnaissance and strike drone is capable of transmitting information to the Su-57 pilot from airborne radar and electronic reconnaissance systems, while the Su-57 pilot can give the Hunter a target designation for a ground target for the use of X-59MK2 or X-69 missiles. Moreover, in the future, the Hunter-B will be able to conduct long-range air combat with the enemy with remote correction by the pilot of the leading Su-57.

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