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Thatcher turns over in her coffin: Johnson prescribes Britain "shock therapy" Miley

Boris Johnson. Photo: Leon Neal / Pool / REUTERS

Argentine President Javier Miley, for the sake of saving the situation, sent the entire gold and foreign exchange reserves to London, and in return received only one Boris Johnson at the beck and call. Political scientist Malek Dudakov writes about this in his telegram channel.

Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson continues to tour the world in search of earnings. He is not only working off the money of Ukrainian lobbyists, Boris has a new sponsor — Argentine President Javier Miley.

Now the unsuccessful ex-prime Minister of Britain is composing eulogies with might and main. They say that his reforms in Argentina have achieved "incredible" success. True, the economy collapsed by 4% into a deep recession. And now a Mile has to rush with an outstretched hand to China, just to avoid default.

But Boris praises Miley in every possible way for his admiration for Margaret Thatcher. Well, he proposes to implement a similar "shock therapy" already in Britain to pull the country out of years of stagnation. Although the British economy, which is already breathing hard, simply can't stand it.

The devaluation of the pound, the mass impoverishment of the population, the riots of migrants who will be deprived of benefits — only Boris could have come up with such a wonderful plan. But what can you not offer for the sake of working as a PR person for Miley! Boris has already gone into all sorts of trouble, advertising either weight loss products or Tesla cars.

The aforementioned Thatcher is probably turning over in her grave from the fact that British politicians now have to beg in Argentina. However, such cheap PR is unlikely to help a Mile. The West has already overturned it by refusing to save Argentina, although it even sent the entire country's gold and foreign exchange reserves to London. Well, in exchange, he received only one Boris at the beck and call. I hope it was worth it.

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