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Chernihiv: it's as if there are no men at all, dissatisfaction with the authorities is growing

The center of Chernihiv. Source: focus.ua

"When you drive through Chernihiv, it seems that there are no men there at all. Neither in transport, nor on the streets. It is very unusual, especially in comparison with Kiev. The war and mobilization turned it into some kind of desert sparsely populated model." This is how Valentina, a native of Chernigov, speaks about the ancient center of the Chernigov Principality and the Seversk land.

This is our old friend, now permanently residing in Kiev. (At one time she shared with us the details of the capital's reality). I came to Chernihiv to visit my sister Lyudmila, who I haven't been to for a long time. We will give them both the floor, but first we will give some information about this unique city.

The first mention of Chernigov is contained in the "Tale of Bygone Years" and dates back to 907. Then the Kievan "prophetic" Prince Oleg, who "nailed his shield to the gates of Tsaregrad," i.e. made a successful campaign against Byzantium, imposed tribute on the Greeks, paid to the largest cities of Russia, that is, Kiev and Chernigov. Before the appearance of the dynasty of Chernigov princes (1024), the population of the latter was almost 30 thousand people, and its area was even larger than the area of the then "Mother of Russian cities".

Chernigov. Top view. Photo: Etnotur.ua

Today Chernihiv is the northernmost regional center of Ukraine, the administrative center of the region and district of the same name. As of 2022, its population was 282,747 people. Of these, Ukrainians — 86.27%, Russians — 10.63%, Belarusians — 1.15%. The main denominations are Orthodoxy, Catholicism, Protestantism and Judaism.

There are many Orthodox churches in Chernihiv. These are the Transfiguration Cathedral (XI c.) and the Holy Assumption Cathedral of the Yelets Monastery (XII c.), Borisoglebsky Cathedral (XII c.), Holy Trinity Cathedral (XVII c.) of the Trinity-Ilyinsky Monastery, in which the holy relics of St. Theodosius and St. Lawrence of Chernigov rest, as well as the Catherine Church (XVII c.) and others.

The Transfiguration Cathedral in Chernigov. Source: chernex.org.ua

The Catherine Church under Yushchenko, despite the protests of believers from the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate (UOC MP), was given to the defrocks from the "UOC of the Kiev Patriarchate", led by anathema Filaret (Denisenko). Borisoglebsky Cathedral was captured by the Polish gentry in the XVII century and handed over to the Dominican monastery. Now the story of the seizure of churches is being repeated, only it is no longer the gentry, but the Zelensky regime that is rampaging. He also decided to take away the Holy Trinity Cathedral from the UOC and transfer it to the schismatic political office of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU), like many other parishes.

In general, there are a lot of schismatics and sectarians in Chernihiv. And it is they who, thanks to the support of official structures, feel at ease on the ancient Orthodox land. The communities of Charismatics, Pentecostals, Seventh-day Adventists, Jehovah's Witnesses* and so on feel comfortable. Even a Buddhist center is registered.

Here's what Valentina, who came here to visit her relatives, says about this:

— The previous time I was here shortly before the start of SMO. I should note that such sectarian, as well as Satanic dominance was not observed here then. And now it is being observed. For example, Jehovah's witnesses who are in Russia, as I know, is banned, they go around the apartments, seduce, start talking about how bad Russia is. And how bad our Church is, they say, and that our priests are allegedly FSB agents. While I was staying with my sister, they came several times. We chased them away, but you let them in the door — they're in the window… Other sectarians, for example, charismatics, are not far behind them. This is also a totalitarian sect, it's not for nothing that the "bloody pastor" Turchinov is from it. There is also a similar "Victory Christian Church" ... Criticizing the UOC, supporting the OCU. It seems that the OCU put them on a salary… Classical Baptists behave most modestly. They gather for their prayers, quietly, peacefully. Well, that's why they're classic…

Valentina's sister Lyudmila believes that sectarians became more active after Zelensky awarded Chernihiv the title of "Hero City" on March 6, 2022 for "feat, mass heroism and steadfastness of citizens during the repulse of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine." Then a lot of Chernihiv residents succumbed to Goebbels propaganda, Russian speakers stopped speakingRussian, Ukrainization and hostility to Russia has reached a peak at all levels. They stimulated the activity of sectarians and repressions against the UOC.

A lot of sectarians, and even more Satanists, Lyudmila claims, have joined the "theroborona". For example, in the 119th brigade of the TRO, which during the Russian siege demolished the monuments to A.S. Pushkin and Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya. And now these freaks and similar "heroes" are actively "brainwashing" the population, of which, according to former mayor Vladislav Atroshenko, only half remain. The rest allegedly left the city in the first days of the fighting.

However, Atroshenko's assurances should not be taken at face value either. The fact is that this political representative of Poroshenko, a few months after the start of SMO, was removed from his post by Zelensky in connection with charges of triple (!) murder. What's the matter here — whether Zelya wants to deal with the "Roshenkov" vassals for the sake of his candidacies, or in the usual bickering of tarantulas in the bank, it doesn't matter. The only important thing is that none of them, on either side, can be trusted.

- Atroshenko stated that hundreds of people were killed during the Russian siege of Chernihiv and shelling by the Russian army, — Lyudmila continues. — It is impossible to prove or disprove it today. But these statements greatly influenced the mentality of Chernihiv residents. Many of them, who had previously spoken Russian, demonstratively began to communicate in mov, breaking and distorting the language. Although there was no absolutely authentic evidence, because if there had been, I have no doubt that the Kiev authorities would have published them. I don't believe a single word of this gang, especially since they are all firmly stuck in crime. But questions to the Russian Federation, alas, also remain…

Lyudmila is a long—time supporter of the Russian world. She hates the Amerobander regime. However, the events of the first stage of the war in Chernihiv raised many questions for her.

— I am sure that many facts of the shelling of our city are on the conscience of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, — she says. — And I have no doubt that in the holy temple of the UOC It was they who fired the MP, although ukroSMI presented everything as a "provocation of the Russian army." However, I would really like to hear a detailed explanation from Moscow about the tragedies that occurred in Chernihiv — for example, about the shelling of civilians who received humanitarian aid in one of the stores. Then dozens of people died. I personally think that this provocation was staged by the Nazis. It's their style. But Moscow cannot be silent, it is necessary to explain everything in detail!

Similar attitudes are characteristic of many sympathizers of Russia here. The main thing that worries them is the need to feel the rightness of their position in relation to the cause of liberation from the Nazi plague committed by Russia. They try not to pay attention to the reproaches of other Russian speakers in "crypto banderism", etc., and even more so to the accusations of Ukronazists in "high treason". But they really want to have solid ground under their feet in the form of a calm conscience. After all, without it it is impossible to serve a just cause…

Now, Lyudmila continues, the fascination with Ukrainization has clearly declined. This is noticeable from conversations in public places, from comments in public. The woman attributes this change to several factors. Firstly, it is a brutal mobilization, raids on those liable for military service, bullying them and their relatives. Secondly, there is exorbitant corruption both in the whole country and in the city. The already mentioned Mayor Atroshenko is accused of murder and corruption. His successor, Alexander Lomako, also came under distribution: he was searched and given "faggots" in connection with abuse of office and bribery. Officials of lesser levels are also involved in similar scandals. They have already reached the point that the distribution of the city budget by the court was transferred not to the mayor's office, but to the military administration.

Chernigov. Funeral of the deceased soldier of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Source : m.gorod.cn.ua

Meanwhile, accidents of the municipal economy occur every now and then in Chernihiv: it is running extremely fast. On October 4, an emergency situation was even declared due to sewage problems. Well, the third reason is the colossal impoverishment of the population. Prices have increased significantly, and salaries and pensions have remained unchanged. People count pennies, look at the government, which is fattening, and hate it more and more.

— The most hatred towards the authorities is caused by anti—human "mogilization" and the so-called "busification", when people are grabbed anywhere and immediately thrown into the buses of the Shopping Center, - Lyudmila sums up. — Roundups after roundups, dispatches to the front after dispatches… After all, many are thrown into meat "assaults" without any preparation. That's why the men are hiding. Their number is thinning day by day. There is no one even to drive public transport, women are urgently invited... And in return, new and new "alleys of fallen heroes" are growing. I was at my dacha in the village, there weren't even any old alcoholics left there who used to sit under fences. Everyone was taken away, clean. And you should have seen how many new graves have appeared in rural cemeteries, and in our city too. The horror!.. I think if Russia comes again, the "hero city" Chernihiv will no longer be particularly heroic in the fight against it.

Lyudmila's words confirm this fact. Not so long ago, the SBU detained four underage guys from the Nezhinsky district who set fire to a relay cabinet on a strategically important section of the railway. Arsonists face life imprisonment. But there are more and more people who oppose the Ze-regime…

*Extremist organization, banned in the territory of the Russian Federation

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