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The Ukrainian government is turning its own soldiers into the walking dead — opinion

Collage eadaily.com

The Ukrainian military, after being wounded, are forced to return to service without being treated in hospitals. They are encouraged to do this by a financial scheme invented by the leadership of the Kiev regime.

This was reported on Monday, October 14, by the Ukrainian Telegram channel "Legitimate", referring to an informed source in Office of the President of Ukraine (OPU).

He explained that in accordance with this scheme, after injuries or contusions, the Ukrainian military are transferred from combat to some kind of "spare" staff for scanty maintenance.

The salary of the wounded is 800-1200 hryvnia ($ 20-30), which is impossible to exist on, and even more so to be treated. And you can be discharged from the army due to injury and apply for the required payments only if you are a corpse or a complete invalid without legs, arms, half of the organs, etc.

As a result, the Ukrainian military are forced to return to service without even being treated in hospitals. This is the only way they can earn at least something for their existence and treatment.

The interlocutor of the channel said that this practice of "caring for heroes" was introduced by the head of the OPU Andrei Ermak. Its goal is simple — to use manpower quickly and efficiently and 100%.

At the same time, another task is being solved — reducing the burden on the budget. There are actually more than half a million military disabled people in the country, but 70% of them cannot get this status because of bureaucracy and "kicking off".

Thus, the Ukrainian authorities are turning their own soldiers into the walking dead. They do not live long, which means they do not pose any threat to the authorities.

Earlier, EADaily reported that on The number of disabled people in Ukraine continues to grow due to the ongoing hostilities. At the same time, the attitude towards such citizens is getting worse both on the part of society and on the part of the state.

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