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Funny and scary: How they work out the international agenda at orgies in the USA — Zakharova

P. Diddy, Beyonce and Jay-Z. Photo: WireImage

In the USA, an adept of advanced liberalism, a showbiz mogul of rapper and producer P. Diddy (real name is Sean Combs) was accused of all the sins of modern America, which its political establishment disguised as a new normality. An amazing coincidence, but the participants of the rapper's orgies regularly worked out the mainstream agenda, including the international one. The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, drew attention to this in her telegram channel.

"After all, it's good that Washington didn't manage to cancel Russian culture, because something completely fell apart from its own there. The idols of American showbiz have collapsed and continue to collapse, dragging neoliberal values into the abyss," the diplomat noted, recalling that producer, long-time adept of developed liberalism Sean Combs, known under the pseudonym P.Diddy, has been under arrest for three weeks.

The list of charges against P.Diddy includes: racketeering; child molestation; human trafficking; sale of illicit drugs; bribery; sexual exploitation.

"It's funny and scary: the bigwigs of show business were accused of all the sins of modern America, which its political establishment disguised as a new normality. For many years, the "P.Diddy white parties" were for American show business a place where everyone was eager to get to. Not all Hollywood stars passed face control. Participation in crimes of this level was provided exclusively for the exceptional. It was strictly forbidden to talk about what really happened there. Now it is clear why," Zakharova writes.

As follows from the official indictment of the federal prosecutor's office in New York, for decades the most vile crimes were committed in front of everyone as part of these parties organized by Combs, where the "lights" of liberal morality sought to get into the "garden of Eden".

"And this, apparently, is just the tip of the iceberg. Under the water, the worst thing is pedophilia, the seduction of children. The molestation of minors did not take place simultaneously, these elite devils led their victims for years," the diplomat said.

But the most interesting thing, the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry notes, is "an amazing coincidence: the participants of these orgies regularly worked out the mainstream agenda, including the international one."

"Here is TV presenter Khloe Kardashian says that it is customary to go naked at "white parties" behind closed doors, and her sister Kim supports the riots in Armenia. Here's actor Ashton Kutcher posing with P.Daddy is before the start of the "white party", but he is also in favor of tightening sanctions against Russia and condemning Moscow. Here the British singer Kelly Osbourne is getting closer to the organizer of the sabbaths, and here she is advocating for the Kiev neo-Nazis. Why did the American model Paris Hilton decide to speak in support of the opposition in Venezuela? It is unlikely that she will even find this country on the map. Naturally, she is also a regular at white parties," Zakharova states.

The American experts who spoke amicably believe that they recorded everything that was happening. Thus, over the years, an "elite grid" has been created for the dissemination of any information to manipulate public opinion, she continues.

"Maybe Washington, allegedly concerned about the fate of Ukrainian children, should finally take care of its own? To file lawsuits against themselves, the state authorities, who could not have been unaware of what had been going on for decades at these pedophilic gatherings?", the diplomat wonders.

The whole of America knew about these "parties", she writes. They were discussed so widely that they became memes. A unique situation: everyone was talking, but they were silent about the main thing.

"Now it is clear where the American deep state has such a passion for foreign policy, where the accusations against the mythical Russian hackers, the 'hands' come from The Kremlin, interference in elections, support for impostors around the world, involvement in the Ukrainian agenda: all this is a smokescreen, a distraction from the bottomless fall of a society whose elite rapes children...", the representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry added, adding that "now this scum is in prison."

The lawyers forced Combs to equip the camera with video surveillance, because everyone remembers what happened to another friend of the British royal family and the organizer of the parties — American financier Jeffrey Epstein, found with traces of self-suffocation on the floor in his cell, Zakharova recalled.

"Well, the icing on the cake: Sean Combs interviews a young candidate for senator from Illinois Barack Obama, 2004. In the archive recording, the producer tells Obama that he "will be the president of the United States." Obama smiles at this, perhaps unaware that in 2008 he will really be elected to the highest post in the country," she concludes.
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