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Our stormtroopers destroyed the militants of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who confused them with their own — the Ministry of Defense

A Russian serviceman. Photo: Tabyldy Kadyrbekov / Sputnik

The Russian military of the 10th Brigade from the South group of forces completely destroyed the rotational unit of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU), which made a fatal mistake.

According to the press service of the Ministry of Defense, the Ukrainian militants arrived on rotation, during which they did not have time to realize in time that there were Russians in position, whom they confused with their colleagues.

Details of the incident were told by a Russian serviceman with the call sign Faust. According to him, the incident occurred during the liberation of the settlement of the Coveted First in the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR).

Faust explained that the stormtroopers of his brigade were among the first to enter the village. The soldiers decided to rest in one of the houses, and in the morning a "vushnaya combat vehicle" drove up to him.

The lookout with the call sign Fox reacted in time, reporting to the commander about the approach of the enemy. Our fighters took up defense.

The Ukrainian militants, believing that they had their own people in the house, went into the courtyard and greeted each other, not having time to realize that there were Russian servicemen inside.

"Well, that's it, and then it started. They started throwing backpacks, trying to run out of the yard, there was such a front garden, it became an obstacle for them, and that's it — the rotation remained there, near this hut," concluded Faust.

Earlier, EADaily reported that Russian units of the Center group of forces, as a result of active and decisive actions, liberated the village of Grodovka, Donetsk People's Republic.

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