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The president of Argentina is changing his orientation: did the USA throw a mile and leave?

Javier is a mile away. Photo: BUENOS AIRES TIMES

Argentine President Javier Miley seems to have decided to change his orientation and, disappointed in the good intentions of the United States, set his sights on China. At the same time, Javier Miley and his team strongly stated to the UK that they would make efforts to return the Malvinas (Falkland Islands). What do these steps mean: a radical change of course or an attempt to "arouse jealousy" in the collective West in order to bargain for help, first of all, in paying off foreign debt?

As Russian political analyst Malek Dudakov noted on his Telegram page:

"Javier Miley is disappointed by the difficulties in cooperation with the United States. Miley was sure that if he showed full loyalty to Washington, he would immediately receive a lot of money from the Americans. It was not there - in the USA no one is in a hurry to pull Argentina out of the debt hole. Although Miley showed that he is ready for anything. And liberalize the oil market, giving it to American corporations. And send the entire gold and foreign exchange reserves of Argentina on British Airways charters to London. Just to get the status of "one's own" from the Western elite. But without success. Now Miley decided to visit China soon, which until recently had been insulted in every possible way. It was China that helped Buenos Aires avoid default due to credit lines of 130 billion yuan. In Beijing, it will be a mile to beg for money and investments for Argentina."

In turn, Doctor of Political Sciences Tatyana Poloskova is sure that Miley started the game on the principle of "a tender calf sucks two queens." She recalled that immediately after Miley's election victory, Chinese Leader Xi Jinping advised Javier Miley to promote mutually beneficial cooperation for the benefit of the peoples of the two countries.

"Our countries have always adhered to the principles of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit, have supported each other in matters concerning their fundamental interests," Xi Jinping said.

However, Poloskova doubts that this game will be crowned with success. The Western owners of the Mile are sharply opposed to the strengthening of China's role in the countries of the Southern Cone. And the president of Argentina will have to choose between a promising investment partner in the person of official Beijing and the saber-rattling United States, which got the Marshall Plan out of mothballs, an analogue of which they are trying to intimidate their opponents in the region.

In parallel with these processes, one of Miley's most dangerous political opponents, ex—President Cristina Kirchner, has sharply intensified on the political platform of Argentina. Recall that on October 28, 2007, the left—wing politician Kirchner was elected president of Argentina, gaining 45.29%. And on October 23, 2011, she was re-elected to this post. Since 2017, Kirchner has been a senator, and from 2019 to 2023, vice-president of Argentina.

In December 2022, the court sentenced Cristina Kirchner to six years in prison in a corruption case. In addition, the court deprived her of the right to hold public office for life. But since Kirchner has immunity, holding the posts of vice president and head of the Senate, she did not have to serve her term.

According to La Radio del Sur, last week Cristina Kirchner's associates demanded that she be returned to big politics, electing her the leader of the Peronist Justicialist party. The former president assured that she was ready to take up this post, which caused a split within peronism. Nevertheless, the majority of the party's leaders and activists supported Kirchner. The Argentine edition of Pagina writes that on October 5, the Justicialist party approved the candidacy of the former president of Argentina.

Against the background of the activation of the left forces, Miley began active preparations for a visit to China in January 2025. As reported by the South China Morning Post, "Argentine President Javier Miley, who sharply criticized China during his election campaign, announced plans to visit Beijing in January 2025, signaling a potential change in his approach to the Asian superpower. In a television interview this week, Miley described China as a "very interesting commercial partner" and said he was "positively surprised by China" — a stark contrast to his earlier rhetoric in which he called China a "killer state" while promising to prioritize relations with Western allies. Miley expressed gratitude to China for the resumption of currency swap contracts, which, according to him, allowed Argentina to fulfill its obligations to the International Monetary Fund. Any warming in the relationship between Mile and Beijing would be a significant event in the struggle for influence in Latin America between China, which has invested about $155 billion in infrastructure projects in the region since 2005, and the United States. It is also important that Argentina accounts for 21% of the world's known lithium deposits — the most important component of batteries for electric vehicles."

And, finally, Miley's team recently harshly outlined to the collective West the position on the Falklands. Argentina intends to seek full restoration of sovereignty over the Malvinas (Falkland) Islands disputed with the United Kingdom after the United Kingdom and Mauritius concluded an agreement to return the Chagos archipelago in the center of the Indian Ocean under the control of the island republic. This was stated by Argentine Foreign Minister Diana Mondino.

"The long-standing dispute between the UK and Mauritius has ended today, the Mauritians have managed to defend their Chagos archipelago. This milestone implies the end of the last English colony in Africa. Moving along the path that has begun and taking concrete actions <>, we are going to restore full sovereignty over our Malvinas Islands. The Malvinas Islands were, are and will always be Argentine," the minister wrote on the social network X, commenting on TASS.
"To what level of conflict with the United States and the collective West a Mile will reach now is a big question. As well as whether Miley really understood that cooperation with China would bring much more benefits to Argentina than dancing to the tune of Washington and others like him. But Miley's political throwing is obvious. And they are quite justified," Tatyana Poloskova summed up.
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