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Relocants from Russia is being expelled to Cuba from Latin American countries — Ambassador

Photo: Alexander Kunze / unsplash.com

There are cases of deportation of Russian citizens, mainly relocators, from Latin American countries to Cuba, but this problem is not widespread. This was stated by Russian Ambassador to Cuba Viktor Coronelli.

"Recently, there have been cases of deportation of such categories of our citizens to Cuba," the diplomat said in an interview with TASS. — They mainly concern Mexico, although there have been several cases of deportation from Panama."
"Such cases occur, but it is not of a mass nature, but we regularly encounter such episodes," he said.

The ambassador explained that Russian citizens are trying to get to Mexico, mostly relocators who seek to leave for North American states through this Latin American country.

"Mexicans refuse them entry because the stated purpose of the trip does not match the real one," Coronelli said. — Such cases have occurred before, but there were fewer of them."

He explained that since these people are going to Mexico through Cuba, the Mexican authorities deport them to Cuba. If they travel through other countries, they are sent there.

"It is probably unfair to say that such cases occur only in relation to relocants," the ambassador noted. "Mexicans are sometimes denied entry to the country in other cases when migration services have reason to believe that the stated purpose of the trip does not correspond to the real one."

Coronelli recalled in this regard that on the website of the consular department of the Russian Embassy in Mexico has detailed information on what requirements a person entering the territory of this country must meet. "We strongly recommend to everyone who goes to Mexico, check with this information to avoid problems," he stressed.

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