The French authorities are forcing Pavel Durov's older brother Nikolai (also the founder of the Vkontakte and Telegram social networks) to come to Paris. They promise that cooperation with the investigation can speed up the resolution of the situation with the founder of the messenger, the Shot telegram channel claims.
According to him, Telegram vice-president Ilya Perekopsky is also being lured to Paris.
▼ читать продолжение новости ▼In an interview with Shot, a representative of Pavel Durov's inner circle told what pros and cons cooperation with the investigation, to which he agreed the other day, could turn out to be.
"The first and most tangible thing is that Durov may be mitigated by judicial control. This means that Pavel can go to celebrate once a week instead of twice and even travel to other EU countries," writes TK. — The investigation of the Telegram founder's case may take at least a year. There is only one way to speed up the process: if other defendants in the case come to the Paris investigation and give their testimony."▼ читать продолжение новости ▼
We are talking about Pavel Durov's brother and the vice-president of the company Ilya Perekopsky, the TC clarifies.
"Whether they want to risk their freedom to speed up the investigation against Pasha is an open question," Shot adds.
As reported by EADaily, earlier the Libération newspaper stated that the detention of Telegram founder Pavel Durov forced him to start cooperating with the French security forces and provide them with information that can help identify suspected users of his messenger. It is claimed that Telegram has begun "unprecedented cooperation" on all requests. The head of the J3 cybercrime department of the Paris Prosecutor's office, Joanna Brousse, confirmed to the publication that "the door is really opening."
Pavel Durov was detained on August 24 at Le Bourget airport when he got off his private plane. He was accused of deliberately not moderating illegal content in the messenger. The founder of Telegram was "shocked by the arrest" because the messenger had a communication channel with the General Directorate of Internal Security of France (DGSI, counterintelligence), reported Libération. The founder of the messenger is being interrogated in Paris said that he maintained contacts with its representatives, in particular, met with them in Dubai.
On September 6, Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev said that Durov could, under certain conditions, transfer encryption keys to the French special services, although he did not want to do so.
Durov holds passports of several countries, including France, Russia and the UAE.